Valentine's Day 2023 update

Hello, everyone! Happy Valentines day! Our last update was pretty recent, but today is special day to celebrate love, so it's a good time to give another progress update, isn't it?

If you haven't seen via our Twitter yet, ArtsyTheSecondis currently helping make sprites for Joshua and Mrs Morris.

Today, I wanted to share the progress on Joshua's sprites.

Sam's athletic, yet annoying roommate. (Work in progress sprite)

As for Act 1, it's currently 60% written, and 30% edited. Music is still being worked on, but no new tracks as of yet. The sprites for Arabella, Mitsuru and Hannah are being revamped slightly, but Hannah's sprite will be getting major revamps to fit the art PastelArts made recently.

And that just about covers it! The team intends to release an Act 1 demo sometime this year, so stay tuned for more details!

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